ICT and Security Risks Management

The complexity of information and communication technology (ICT) and security risks is increasing, and the frequency of ICT and security-related incidents (including cyber incidents) is rising.

Organisations business continuity shall be ensured; therefore, it is expected for processes and documents to be in place and regulate how the information is handled. This set of processes and documents are under an information security management system (ISMS) which manages the organisation’s sensitive data.

The introduction of ISO27001 by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has been a turnkey for protecting an organisation’s information in a cost effective and efficient way by implementing an ISMS.

Our Team of experts, firstly, collects the information needed for having a general understanding of the Company’s size and complexity of the systems related to the matter. Further and upon collection of the initial information, we deem appropriate to collect detailed insights into the organization’s network infrastructure, server setup, device management practices, email system, security tools, backup solutions, and more, aiming to conduct a thorough assessment of the current security posture.

We do have the expertise for assessing (performing a Gap analysis), auditing and ensuring an organisation’s compliance, either with the ISO27001 or with any relevant guidelines e.g., the European Banking Authority guidelines on ICT and security risks management.

In the end, Information Security is based on cultivating the organisation’s culture, when the documented procedures, the technology and the knowledge are in place.