Even though Konkrit Solutions exhibited its services during the iFX Cyprus EXPO, and the two events coincided, we have manged to attend the Reflect Festival 2023 as well.

Reflect Festival is considered to be the largest technology and innovation event in Cyprus and one of the fastest growing in the Mediterranean.

It offers the opportunity to participants to attend speeches of world known tech-experts, join workshops and meet in person with entrepreneurs, investors and tech enthusiasts which create a must attend place for building networks.

A participant of the Reflect Festival could discover new ways to redefine and redesign their business landscape and embrace the future through digital transformation.

They key benefits of digital transformation are the increasing of quality, agility, productivity, efficiency and values for Clients and Stakeholders.

This festival managed to attract experts from a diverse range of services, such as transportation, education, communication, entertainment, health care, financial services, agriculture and animal production.

It was with great excitement, that through emerging technologies and cutting-edge solutions, the world is becoming a global tech-oriented market.